Provide Trauma Therapy for Single Mothers


Help 30 single mothers overcome domestic violence, trauma and abuse

To discuss supporting this project contact Johanna on +61 474 977 140 or

Domestic violence and child sexual abuse create psychological traumas that are extremely difficult to overcome without professional support. Despite this, and a high prevalence of domestic violence in Vietnam, psychological therapy is out of reach for most Vietnamese people. For some single mothers who already face multiple disadvantages, unresolved trauma negatively impacts their own parenting, as well as their ability to work and move on with their lives.

A Vietnamese psychologist will work with 30 single mothers, to help them overcome severe trauma and abuse. The women will work in two groups of 15, sharing their stories and gaining the support and solidarity of other women with shared experiences. Their psychologist will host weekly group therapy sessions, and work closely with the participants over a 3-month period, in order to help them recover from their traumas, break the cycles of abuse, and rebuild their lives.

Three groups of 30 women have already completed this therapy project, with participants saying they began feeling better from the very first session, just knowing they weren’t alone in their suffering. The women are still part of an active online group where they support each other through the next stages of their lives, and receive daily advice and counsel from their psychologist and other women. Many of the women have gone on to start their own businesses, feeling ready to be active in the world again.

Meet Hong

the woman ensuring single mothers in vietnam are equipped to live confidently

Hong started the first and largest support group for single mothers in Vietnam with over 30,000 members. After becoming unexpectedly pregnant and then single over 10 years ago, Hong learnt firsthand about the stigma single mothers in Vietnam face, and she refused to put up with it. Hong provides shelter, skills-training, counselling, maternity support, and does everything she can to provide single mothers in Vietnam with what they need to become independent. More than 200,000 women and children are better off now because of her important work. Learn more.

Funding this project will support 30 single mothers to overcome domestic violence and childhood trauma and begin to build a peaceful life for themselves and their children.