Disability Healthcare for Ugandan Children
Provide regular medical checks and treatment, plus nutritious food for vulnerable children with disabilities.
Disability is seen as a curse in Uganda so children are often hidden away - but Florence is creating a society that includes and embraces people with disabilities.
To discuss supporting this project contact jo@justpeoples.org
In Uganda, many children with moderate to severe disabilities do not reach their 10th birthday. According to traditional and cultural beliefs, many Ugandans believe that disabilities are the result of curses or witchcraft so people with disabilities are hidden away out of sight. Lack of awareness of disability and disinformation exacerbate the lack of access to healthcare due to poor infrastructure and widespread poverty. These factors have severe consequences for affected children, including high mortality rates, abuse, stigmatisation, discrimination, and endemic poverty. Caregivers of children with disabilities often find themselves isolated, bearing the heavy responsibility of caregiving alone, without support or accurate information.
A young girl receives diagnosis and treatment from Florence’s medical team.
Florence Namaganda is tackling this huge issue and bringing comprehensive healthcare to Ugandan children with disabilities. She improves the quality of life for these children by offering free access to health and rehabilitation services. She has also established a collaborative network for carers to support each other as they learn more about their children’s issues and how best to care for them.
Supporting this initiative will provide families in Kampala and Wakiso - who can’t afford health care - with essential services, including early assessment and diagnosis, regular medical treatment and monitoring visits, and easy-to-digest nutritious food for a full year. Children who need them will also be referred to specialists to receive assistive devices and corrective surgeries.
Meet Florence
The Ugandan woman building a truly inclusive society for children with disabilities
Florence's journey began during her time in medical school, where she specialised in physiotherapy. It was there in the rehabilitation department that she first encountered children with disabilities. She has now supported over 4,000 children and their families across 9 districts in Uganda, addressing health needs through a disability-focussed medical centre and outreach clinics. Her team provides education, advocacy and awareness amongst Ugandan families, policy makers and implementers, as well as the general public. Florence also co-founded an inclusive kindergarten and primary school that cater to children both with and without disabilities. This unique initiative aims to break down barriers, change societal mindsets, and create a more inclusive future. Learn more.