We're Ready!
We’re two years in and our achievements have been substantial. We know we can make a significant impact in reducing extreme global poverty and we’ve proved it on a small scale, but this is just the beginning. We can make a bigger impact, and we have everything in place to do so.
The growth of Just Peoples over the last two years has been crazy. We’ve had 61 people fundraise for us and 420 donate, enabling us to fund 16 micro-projects in 7 countries. 50 people believed in us and pitched in to cover our overhead costs. We now have 6 volunteer staff helping to run the organisation with external companies providing us with pro bono digital marketing, graphic design, corporate networking and travel sponsorship, and more. We’re a registered charitable trust in New Zealand, we have tight legal structures and contracts in place, processes for supporting our fundraisers, a state-of-the-art electronic database, a new, higher functioning website, you name it. We’re ready to take it to the next level.
Beth and her team making water filters
Our local partners are the Steve Jobs of their hometowns. They are not half-heartedly running micro-projects as a hobby on the side. They’re living among poverty and they have solutions that can change the lives of their whole community. Like us they’re furious about the ridiculous levels of inequality in the world; they know there’s no excuse for people starving in their villages and towns while half of the world’s food is being wasted. In 2017 there’s no good reason for children to die of preventable illnesses. Eradicating extreme poverty is so overdue.
Beth hand-made water filters so the people in her village could have safe, clean water. She figured out how to make them by herself! When her idea gained traction, she was able to scale up and provide better quality filters to hundreds of Kenyans without water. Now we support her so she can provide ever more water filters to more people. 255 people are now drinking clean safe water because of Just Peoples’ people.
One of Zaiba's self defence classes
Zaiba was sick of girls in her slum in Bangladesh being sexually attacked. So she set up a self defence course for girls to learn how to defend themselves and not get raped. The course was so successful the students now want to teach more girls in other areas to defend themselves too. Just Peoples’ fundraisers are the ones making these courses a reality. Just $225 trains 45 more girls.
These local heroes know what they’re doing and just need the funds to make it happen. It’s our job to get them the cash they need!
Indonesian preschool supported by Just Peoples
There are so many ways to support our local partners. If you believe in our mission, tell your friends about us. If you want to join us in reducing global poverty, sponsor one of our micro-projects. It’s really easy! You can host a cheese and wine night for your mates. $50 a head: $20 for catering and $30 for your chosen micro-project. Your guests get a good night out and a chance to make the world better, and 30 Indonesian kids get an education. Everyone wins!
We’re so grateful for all the support we received over the first two years of Just Peoples; it’s prepared us for the next stage. We’ve found the people solving poverty in Africa and Asia, our concept works, and now we need to make it happen on a bigger scale. Not just 1,000 lives, but a billion lives. We have the means to do it. We just need more people to join us. We need you.
We’re ready! Are you?